The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Platforms: Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Amstrad PCW, Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 128, Commodore 16 & Plus/4, Commodore 64, IBM PC/Compatibles, Macintosh, Tatung Einstein, TRS-80, TRS-80 Color Computer
Amstrad CPC
Technical Info
Minimum System Supported: CPC 464
Media: 3" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Additional Supported Options: Printer
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Amstrad PCW
Technical Info
Minimum RAM Required: 256 KB
Media: 3" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Additional Supported Options: Printer
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Apple II
Technical Info
Minimum System Supported: Apple II
Minimum RAM Required: 48 KB
Minimum OS version: Apple DOS 3.3
Display Hardware Supported: 40-column text mode , 80-column text mode
Media: 5.25" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Atari 8-bit
Technical Info
Minimum RAM Required: 48 KB
Media: 5.25" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Commodore 128
Technical Info
Media: 5.25" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Commodore 16 & Plus/4
Technical Info
Minimum RAM Required: 64 KB
Media: 5.25" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Commodore 64
Technical Info
Media: 5.25" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
IBM PC/Compatibles
Technical Info
Minimum CPU required: 8088 / 8086
Minimum RAM Required: 64 KB
(192 KB required for Solid Gold release.)
Minimum DOS version: DOS 2.0
Display Hardware Supported: 80-column text mode
Media: 3.5" Disk , 5.25" Disk
Sound Hardware Supported: No Sound
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Tatung Einstein
Technical Info
Media: 3" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Technical Info
Minimum System Supported: Model III
Media: 5.25" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
TRS-80 Color Computer
Technical Info
Minimum System Supported: Color Computer 2
Minimum RAM Required: 64 KB
Media: 5.25" Disk
Input Devices: Keyboard
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player