Platforms: IBM PC/Compatibles


Main Genre:
Board Games:
Othello / Reversi

Overview and Gameplay

FLIP-ELLO is a computerized version of the popular board game Othello (also known as Reversi and many other names). The game can be played by two players or one player against the computer. The rules of the game remain the same as its board game counterpart; the goal is for each player to attempt to fill the board with their own color pieces (either black or white). Initially four pieces are placed in the center of the board, two of each color. On each turn players may add a single piece to the board. Any pieces of the opponents color that are located between the piece just added and another existing piece of the players color are flipped over. Players may not place pieces arbitrarily on the board, a space must be chosen where at least one of the opponents pieces can be flipped over; if no moves are possible, the player loses that turn. Once the entire game board is filled, whichever player has more of their color pieces on the board wins.

FLIP-ELLO includes a few extra features; at any time during the game, players may switch sides (this could allow ane experienced player to attempt the challenge of continuing a game from a losing position, or a novice to take over an easier scenario). Players may also ask the computer for help; they can ask if any moves are possible, as well as have the computer reveal what it considers the best possible move for a given turn.


Platform: IBM PC/Compatibles
Written by: James Randolph Hawkins


FLIP-ELLO Instruction Manual
IBM PC/Compatibles